CCWGA Captain


Job Description


The Captain provides leadership to the CCWGA Board, presides over the Board Meetings and General Meetings, and represents the CCWGA at Golf Committee Meetings.  The Captain is elected and is a voting member of the Board.


Duties & Responsibilities

After the election in the fall, the Captain-elect will recruit Appointed Chairs for the next year’s Board.

Appointed Chair Positions:

·        Invitational

·        Mini-Invitational

·        Major Tournaments

·        East Bay Team Play

·        Diablo Valley Team Play

·        Guest Days/Play for Pink

·        Open Days

·        Website Administrator

·        Historian


Preside over and prepare the agenda for CCWGA Board Meetings and General Meetings.  Review the Board Meeting and General Meeting minutes before calling for an approval  vote at the next meeting.


Represent the CCWGA at CCCC Golf Committee Meetings.  Email the membership a summary of the meeting and have Website Administrator post on website.


Review annual budget with the outgoing and incoming Treasurer at the beginning of the year. 

In January, form a small Event Committee that will minimally include the Social Chair, the General Manager and a Member Relations representative to arrange a selection of menus/prices for the General Meetings, Holiday Luncheon, Team Play, Guest Days, and Mini-Invitational events for the year.  Also meet with the Head Pro to negotiate the events’ cart fee for the year.  The Invitational committee will arrange menus and cart fees for their event.


Review Standing Rules and By-Laws at the beginning of the year.

Have the nameplate engraved with the new Captain’s name on the Captain’s plaque.

Make a brief welcome speech at CCWGA guest tournaments (Invitational, Mini-Invitational, Guest Day, etc.) and thank the Chairpersons that planned the events.


In August/September, start next year’s calendar planning with Head Pro and Co-Captain.

·        EBTP & DVTP dates

·        Board & General Meetings

·        Major Tournaments

·        Invitational & Mini-Invitational

·        Play for Pink & Guest Days

·        Open Day, when Crow Canyon is host, to provide Open Day Chair with 3 possible dates

·        Old Board-New Board gathering

·        Holiday Luncheon


Work with Treasurer and Co-Captain to analyze the next year’s budget to determine next year’s member dues.  Present the dues suggestion at the August or September Board Meeting.  If there will be a dues increase, put it up for vote by the Executive Board.


Purchase the incoming Captain’s gift.

For the Holiday Luncheon: 

·        Work with Social Chair on planning the Holiday Luncheon which includes table decorations and party favors

·        Welcome, introduce and thank the CCCC special guests (General Manager, Management staff, Pro Shop personnel) in attendance

·        Welcome and introduce past Captains in attendance and new members

·        Year-end awards presentations: Birdie Bucks by the Co-Captain, Eclectic by the Tournament Chair, Most Improved Players by the Handicap Chair

·        Present and thank the outgoing Board

·        Present next year’s Captain and have the Advisor swear in the Captain.

·        Present the new Captain with her gift

·        Turn gavel over to new Captain and have her introduce the incoming Board


CCWGA Co-Captain 

Job Description 


The Co-Captain is an executive CCWGA Board member and assists the Captain as  needed. She presides over the Board Meetings, General Meetings and Special  Meetings in the absence of the Captain. The Co-Captain is elected and is a voting  member of the Board. 

General Duties & Responsibilities 

Attend monthly Board Meetings and General Meetings. 

Be the NCGA Club Representative. 

Responsibilities include:  

● Review the monthly NCGA Club Newsletter and other NCGA emails (Monthly  Tournament and Events Bulletin, the bi-monthly Handicap Revision email, etc.)  ● Become familiar with what content is available on the NCGA website,  especially the Member Club Resources section, Tournament Information and  Customer Support  

● Attend occasional webinars and/or review the posted webinar content in a  timely manner  

● Most importantly - communicate all relevant NCGA information to the  appropriate persons in the club and/or associated with the club as a non-member  (e.g. club pros) in a timely manner.  

● The Club Representative is not tasked with billing or handicap matters but may  be counted on to know who the GHIN Admin Portal handicap  

administration/certification and member planet billing contacts are.  

● Likewise, the Club Representative is not tasked with tournament management  system matters (Golf Genius) but may be counted on to know who in their club is  and how to escalate matters to the NCGA when appropriate. 

Provide the list of the next year’s Executive Board and Appointed Chairs to the Website  Administrator to post on CCWGA website. 

Meet with the Captain and Head Pro in September to coordinate dates for the upcoming  year’s CCWGA calendar to include: 

· EBTP & DVTP dates 

· Board & General Meetings 

· Major Tournaments 

· Invitational & Mini-Invitational 

· Play for Pink & Guest Days 

· Open Day when Crow Canyon is host 

· Old Board-New Board gathering 

· Holiday Luncheon

At Holiday Luncheon: 

Distribute the Bridie awards: one dollar per birdie. Golf Genius calculates the  number of birdies. A member’s birdie that occurs during a Team Play event that  is held on a Tournament Play Day is added to that member’s birdie total. Be sworn in as Captain and introduce the incoming Board 

Purchase flowers and present to the outgoing Captain 


At the Holiday Luncheon and before the start of eclectic play, sign up those wishing to  participate in the following year, collect the entry fee of $10 from each participant and  get player’s tee preference (gold or red). Golf Genius will calculate the scores  throughout the year. Golf Genius will flight the participants and calculate the winners at  the end of the year. The amount of money collected will be allocated between the  winners with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each flight. 

• Money collected will be given to the Treasurer. 

Send the player’s Tee preference to the website person for the CCWGA website. 

Before the Holiday Luncheon all money collected will be given back to the Co Captain for distribution. 

Review the winner’s list on Golf Genius and prepare the winnings. 

• Announce and award the winners at the Holiday Luncheon.

CCWGA Handicap Chair


Job Description



The Handicap Chair is an executive CCWGA Board member responsible for overseeing and maintaining the golf handicaps for CCWGA members. The Membership Chair is a voting member of the Board.


General Duties & Responsibilities


1.      Attend monthly Board meetings to inform the CCWGA Board of issues pertaining to member handicaps and/or the handicap system (GHIN).
2.      Attend NCGA Regional meeting conducted in February.
3.      Add new members, delete inactive members, and make any necessary corrections in Member Planet/USGA Administration Portal.

4.      Provide new member information to the Website Administrator, Tournament Chair and Social Chair after the new member has been added to NCGA’s CCWGA directory.

5.      Forward all NCGA Billings to CCWGA Treasurer.

6.      Maintain the email distribution of alpha and index handicap reports as follows:
- Daily: Tournament Chair
- 1st and 15th of each month: Website Administrator, Major Tournament Chair and the EBTP & DVTP captain

7.      Provide handicap information as needed to the Board and members.

8.      Register next year’s Captain, Treasurer, Club Ambassador, Tournament and Handicap with the NCGA.

9.  Determine and present the current year’s three Most Improved Golfers at December luncheon. 



CCWGA Tournament Chair 

Job Description 


The Tournament Chairperson is an executive CCWGA Board member responsible for  organizing, formatting, and managing the CCWGA weekly Tournaments. The Tournament  Chair is elected and is a voting member of the Board. 

Duties & Responsibilities 

Attend monthly Board Meetings to inform the CCWGA Board of issues pertaining to  Tournaments. 

Attend the General Meetings informing the membership of tournament results and/or  issues. 

Determine the amount of the year’s budget with the Treasurer. 

Request all players give their Tee preference (gold or red) before their first Play Day.  

As part of managing the weekly Tournaments, establish the weekly game schedules and  manage the payout schedule within the CCWGA Tournament budget. Send pertinent  information to the Website Administrator, such as tournament schedule, tournament  games, tee preference, etc. 

Golf Genius records the weekly winner scores, birdies, eclectic, and payouts. Per Standing  Rules Golf Genius will be the official scorecard. 

As a member of the Tournament Rules Committee that includes the Rules Chair and the  head golf Professional, determine correct golf rulings as needed.  

Be flexible to adjust games due to weather, number of players or other events.  Communicate changes to the Pro Shop and to the players.  

Weekly Play Day Tournament Detailed Duties 

Tournaments consist of all regular Play Days except Guest Days, Major Tournaments,  EBTP, DVTP, Open Days that are played at Crow Canyon, the Invitational, and the Mini Invitational. For a play day to be considered “official”, 9 competitors must complete play.  Tournaments start the first week of February and end the last week in November. 

At the beginning of the year: 

• Prepare and send an email to all members welcoming them to a new year and  provide a brief description of how-to sign-up on the website and check-in on Play  Days.  

• Work with the Pro shop to get Golf Genius entry codes for each player and send an  email to each player to give their unique entry codes. Entry codes are players’  passwords and will only be administered and kept by the Tournament Chair to avoid  unauthorized changes. All entry codes may change yearly. 

• Based on the CCWGA calendar, plan all the weekly Play Day tournament  games. On shotgun start days, a team event may be scheduled. 

• Send a detailed list of games and dates to the Pro shop for inputting into Golf  Genius. Games can be given 1 month or more for sign-ups. 

• Determine the Winners’ payout schedule based on the budget. The annual  Tournament budget needs to be allocated to pay 1st,2nd, and 3rd places in three  flights for individual Play Days. There may be more or less flights due to the number  of participants. For team event Play Days, the payouts are made to 1st and 2nd place winning teams (no flights.) Flights should be at least 6 or more players and  not more than 9. 

The Tournament Schedule is posted on the CCWGA calendar and set up by the Pro Shop  on the CCWGA website. Members sign up for each Play Day tournament on the CCWGA  website. 

Prior to Play Day: 

• Review the tee sheet to make sure there are no single players and adjust if  necessary. Call or email players if there are changes such as condensed tee times. • Ask DVTP and EVTP captains to email you who is playing on the upcoming Play  Days. Check to see if any DVTP or EVTP players have signed up and adjust if  needed.  

On Play Days: 

• Review if the tie breakers and flights are correct.  

The Tournament Chair will communicate the quarterly results to the players and forward  the amount of the winners’ payouts to CCWGA’s Treasurer. The Treasurer will provide a  check to the Tournament Chair or whoever she designates. 

Helpful Tips 

➢ Start times will be 8:30am from February to September. Start times will be 9:00am  from October to November. 

➢ If Tuesday is not available for a Play Day, then Wednesday will be the Play Day. ➢ If Thursday is a Play Day, then the start time will be 9:30 to avoid running into the  4C9ers. 

➢ The Pro shop will give us 10 tee times. Review sign-ups 2 weeks prior to see if  there is a need to ask for more tee times. 

➢ Consult with the Golf Pro to determine if winter rules apply and advise players.  

PRO SHOP’s Procedures for Weekly Play Day Tournament: 

Before the Game 

• Open the League portal in Golf Genius to show the next Play Day Tee sheet. • Handle all cancellations as the players are instructed to call the Pro Shop before  7:30 am on the play day. Players will check in at the Pro Shop at least 20 minutes  before their tee time. 

• Print the scorecards for that day’s game. 

o Provide the GGID (Golf Genius ID) number for posting during the round. o Include game information, pace of play and pin placement. 

o Make sure the player’s scorecard has the correct tee preference (gold or red) and pops for handicaps.  

• Open Golf Genius for posting during the round. 

After the Game 

• Collects the scorecards and compares them to the Golf Genius scores. 

• Validates that each player’s scorecard has the signatures of all players. If the  scorecard is not properly signed, the player is disqualified.  

• Validates that there were at least 9 players who started. If a player picks up on a  hole, she is disqualified from that day’s tournament and is noted as “DNF”. (Exception: If the Tournament Chair notes that pick-ups are allowed). 

• Validates that all players with the same handicaps should be in the same flight.  Flights should not be more than 9 players.  

• Posts scores from Golf Genius to GHIN.  

• Bundle scorecards together to be collected by the Tournament Chair.

• Handle any corrections from the players regarding their scorecard.


CCWGA Secretary Chair


Job Description


The Secretary is an executive CCWGA Board member responsible for recording the minutes of meetings, preparing all correspondence, keeping a file thereof, preserving the By-laws, maintaining a record of all amendments, and disseminating all communication from the Executive Board to the membership.  The Secretary is elected and is a voting member of the Board.

General Duties & Responsibilities at Executive Board Meetings

·        Attend monthly Board meetings.

·        Provide copies of previous Board meeting minutes to each attendee of the Board meeting vis e-email in advance of meeting.

·        Maintain log of sign-in sheets indicating meeting attendees.

·        Record minutes

·        Email transcribed minutes to the Board for review within a week of the meeting and record corrections as needed.

·        Finalize minutes based on Board members’ feedback and email final version to all Board members and retain copy in file.

·        Present final version of minutes at next Board meeting for approval.  Upon approval, send to Website Administrator to post a copy of the minutes on the CCWGA website.

·        Save an electronic copy of the board meeting minutes.



General Duties & Responsibilities at General Meetings

·        Attend the General meetings.

·        Provide copies of previous General meeting minutes on each table before the meeting is called to order.

·        Circulate General Meeting Attendance Sign-up Sheet before the meeting and collect it at the end of the meeting.

·        Record minutes

·        Email transcribed minutes to the Captain within a week of the meeting and record corrections as needed.

·        Post copy of Captain-approved minutes on the CCWGA website.

·        Save an electronic copy of the board meeting minutes.



CCWGA Treasurer Chair


Job Description



The Treasurer is an executive member of the CCWGA Board.  She maintains the budget and financial records, establishes banking relationships, and manages the organization’s funds.  The Treasurer is elected and is a voting member of the Board.


General Duties & Responsibilities 

Prepare and review the starting annual budget with the preceding Treasurer and incoming Captain.  Use the previous year as a guide.  Update and present the budget at Board meetings, payout expenses, and manage the bank account. This is usually a two year commitment.



·        Attend CCWGA Board meetings and prepare a budget report for each Board meeting.  It can be emailed to the Captain prior to the Board meeting. Report any major differences between budgeted expenses and actual expenses.

·        A spreadsheet or other appropriate system for bookkeeping should be used

·        Post additional budget income when a new member joins CCWGA

·        Post expenses to correct Budget category

·        Monitor the budget and compare actual expenses against budgeted expenses. 

·        Since they are self-funded and not from CCWGA dues, the Invitational, Mini-Invitational, and Eclectic each have separate budgets.   The Invitational and Mini-Invitational budgets may have carryovers from year to year.



·        Reimburse members for approved purchases for events or vendor payments. They need to submit a receipt along with a Check Request Form, or other identifying information attached to the receipt, that contains the Budget category so it will be posted to the appropriate budget category.

·        Prepare and deliver checks quarterly for play day winners.  The amount will be provided by the Tournament Chair.

·        Maintain annual record binder to include all check requests/receipts and play day results.



·        Act as primary banking contact for the CCWGA account maintained at local bank.

·        Access online banking to obtain monthly bank statements and save statements in pdf files.

·        Reconcile bank statements monthly.

·        Deposit CCWGA income into the organization’s bank account.  The new member’s check will be forwarded to you by the Membership Chair.




CCWGA Rules Chair


Job Description



The Rules Chairperson is an executive CCWGA Board member responsible for being the membership authority/liaison for the interpretation of the Rules of Golf as set forth in the USGA Rules of Golf.  The Rules Chairperson is elected and is a voting member of the Board.


General Duties & Responsibilities

Attend monthly Board Meetings to inform the CCWGA Board of issues pertaining to the Rules of Golf.

Attend NCGA Rules seminars to obtain the year’s procedural information and other pertinent documentation.

Post the rules of play, regularly review the rules at General Meetings and take all rules disputes to the NCGA for resolution when necessary.

Educate members to improve their understanding of the Rules of Golf by posting on the CCWGA website, possibly once a month.

Procure current copies of “USGA Rules of Golf,” “Decisions of the Rules of Golf,” and “Local Rules” to use as references for play days and tournaments.  

Serve as member of the Rules Committee.  The Rules Committee often consists of the Rules Chair, Tournament Chair, and a Golf Professional.

Plan events to share rules information such as a rules clinic, including demonstrations on the golf course, by a certified Rules Official.


CCWGA Membership Chair


Job Description



The Membership Chair is an executive member of the CCWGA Board.   She recruits new members, conducts new member orientation, gathers information for the membership roster, and collects member dues for upcoming year.  The Membership Chair is elected and is a voting member of the Board.


Duties & Responsibilities 

Attract new members to CCWGA.

·        In January contact Crow Canyon Country Club Membership Director to set a plan for sharing information about new members.  (Consider contacting new golf members to provide information about CCWGA, arranging a personal tour of club, playing a round of golf with a new member, and continuing a relationship with new members by follow-up phone calls)

·        Review and update CCWGA information that is part of the New Member Folder distributed to new Crow Canyon Country Club members.

·        Engage entire CCWGA membership to help find new and/or returning members by speaking at General Meetings to report current membership statistics and asking for members’ help in recruiting new members. 

Induct new CCWGA members 

·        Provide new recruits with CCWGA membership application form.

·        Collect the membership dues, make a copy of the check, and send the check to the CCWGA Treasurer.

·        Take picture of new member to post on the CCWGA bulletin board.

·        Send out an email to all members announcing the new member after she has been added and accepted in our CCWGA NCGA directory.

·        Conduct new member orientation meeting to include explanations about CCWGA website, play days, play day sign-up, EBTP, DVTP, Open Days, Guest Days,  Tournaments, Invitationals, Standing Rules and Bylaws, etc.

·        Introduce new members at General Meetings.

·        Invite new members who are joining at end of year for following year to the Holiday Luncheon to be introduced to the membership and arrange for new members to sit at Membership Chair’s table.  

Collect upcoming year’s dues and gather information for membership directory.

·        At the August/September Board Meeting the Captain and/or Treasurer will present the proposed CCWGA dues for upcoming year.  If there will be a dues increase, it will be voted on by the Executive Board.

·        In September, email renewal information to all CCWGA members that includes: Amount of upcoming year’s dues to be submitted to the Membership Chair by November 1.  Explain $10 late fee added to dues received after November 1.  Provide Information form to gather roster information for the membership roster.  (to be completed only if members have changes or corrections).  Post envelope on locker room bulletin board to collect renewal checks and information forms.

·        In late September, send reminder email to all members regarding deadlines for dues, membership directory information, and late fees.

·        On October 20, send emails to those members who have not submitted their dues reminding them that a $10 late fee will be applied to any dues received after November 1st.

·        Make a copy of all checks received and forward checks to the Treasurer.

·        Forward updated information to Website Administrator, Handicap Chair, and Social Chair.


CCWGA Social Chair


Job Description



The Social Chair is an executive CCWGA Board member. She is a member of the Event Committee which is charged with planning and coordinating with Crow Canyon Country Club, the meals for all CCWGA General Meetings, Holiday Luncheon, and Guest events. She assumes responsibility as the hostess at these functions.  Social correspondence, on behalf of CCWGA members, is an ongoing duty. The Social Chair is elected and is a voting member of the Board.

Duties and Responsibilities 

Attend monthly Board Meetings informing the Board of issues relative to social events.  Inform the membership about General Meetings and the Holiday Luncheon inclusive of information regarding the menus and cost.


In January, as a part of the Event Committee which includes the Captain, the General Manager and a Member Relations representative they will arrange a selection of menus/prices for the General Meetings, Holiday Luncheon, Team Play, Guest Days, Open Day, and Mini-Invitational events for the year.


Reserve a dedicated space, preferably the Brett Hart room, for monthly Board Meetings.


The Social Chair sends cards with handwritten notes expressing “get well soon” wishes, congratulations, and sympathy to members. Cards should be signed “Your CCWGA friends” (not by the Chair).  


Keep and update a member roster in an excel spreadsheet that contains the members’ names, addresses, phone numbers and birthdays.


Monthly, send an email announcing members’ birthdays that are in that month.


The Social Chair assumes any other social duties as assigned by the Captain.            

General Meeting Detailed Duties

·        January – Check the CCWGA calendar to determine the dates of the General Meetings.  Meet with the appropriate CCCC manager to reserve rooms and choose from the selection of menus pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year. 

·        4 weeks prior to each General Meeting, Send sign-up sheet information to the Website Administrator to have members sign up to attend the event and indicate their preference for lunch (if more than one selection offered) or no lunch. The deadline for signing up should be 4 working days prior to the event. Send out an e-mail notice to the membership with information about the event and include: Date, menu, cost for the lunch, and the date the sign-up sheet will be removed from the website. 

·        2 weeks prior to each General Meeting.  Send reminder e-mails to sign up for lunch.

·        4 working days prior to each General Meeting  - E-mail the number of members who have signed up for General Meeting luncheons to the appropriate CCCC manager at least four working days prior to the event.

Holiday Luncheon Detailed Duties


·        October - Choose from the selection of menus pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year.  The club has donated a complimentary cocktail or bottles of wine on each table in the past.

·        November – At least one month prior to the Holiday Luncheon ask the Website Administrator to post a sign-up sheet on the CCWGA website. The sign-up sheets should include the following information: Date, time, place, menu choices and prices, and the date the sign-up sheet will be removed (about 5 days prior to the Luncheon). The sign-up sheet should be designed so that members sign up eight (8) to a table.

·        2 weeks prior to the Holiday Luncheon – Send a reminder e-mail to sign up with deadline reminder.  Arrange for a greeting table to welcome members and advise them of their table assignments as they arrive for the Luncheon. The Tournament Chair will also be at the greeting table to sign up eclectic participants for the following year.

·        5 working days prior to Holiday Luncheon – Send a reminder e-mail that sign-up sheets will be taken down at the end of the day. Prepare place cards that include the member’s name, member’s menu choice and table number.

·        4 working days prior to the Holiday Luncheon - Email the number of members who have signed up for the luncheon to the appropriate CCCC manager.

·        Day of the Luncheon – Take a copy of the final sign-up sheet to the Luncheon.  Ask the incoming Social Chair to assist at the greeting table and with handing out the place cards.


CCWGA Advisor to the Captain


Job Description




The Advisor is appointed by the CCWGA Captain to provide advice and counsel to the Captain as needed and is a non-voting member of the Board.


Duties & Responsibilities

Attend all board meetings and give parliamentary advice when needed.


Act as a “sounding board” for the Captain as needed.

Chair the Nominating Committee to nominate candidates for the upcoming year’s CCWGA Executive Board:

·        At the August/September General Meeting, conduct the election of three members to serve on the Nominating Committee.  Request nominations for six candidates from the floor.  Ask the candidate if she is willing to be on the nominating committee.  Have a flip chart available to write down the names of the candidates. Pass out blank ballots and ask the members vote for three of the six candidates.  The candidates with the three highest number of votes are elected to the Nominating Committee.

·        Chair the Nominating Committee meetings and prepare a slate of Executive Board candidates

·        Post the candidates’ names on the ladies’ locker room bulletin board and the CCWGA website one month prior to the October election as required by the By-Laws 

·        Ask for the membership vote for the Executive Board slate of candidates during the October General Meeting.


Present and swear in the new CCWGA Executive board at December’s Holiday Luncheon. 


The swear-in text is as follows: 

You have been elected to serve as Captain on the 20xx CCWGA Board. 

Do you agree to uphold and abide by the By-laws and Standing Rules of the organization?

You are officially the Captain for 20xx.


Be available to support CCWGA events as needed


CCWGA  Major Tournaments Chair


Job Description



A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for organizing, formatting, and managing the three CCWGA Major Tournaments.  The Major Tournaments are:

Member-Member:   2 day partnership eclectic tournament

Team Challenge:   2 day match play tournament between 2 teams

Championship:  2 day stroke play tournament


Duties & Responsibilities

Attend the Board Meetings and General Meetings to inform the membership of upcoming Major Tournaments or any issues pertinent to Major Tournaments.


Obtain board approval for the game formats, flights and awards for all the Major Tournaments. 


All Major Tournament participants must be members of the CCWGA and play from the red tees with a maximum handicap of 40.


A lunch in the Vintage can be arranged after the final rounds of the Member-Member Tournament and Team Challenge Tournament to announce the winners and award the prizes. There is a General Meeting and lunch after the final round of the Championship Tournament where the winners and prizes are announced and awarded.


Have the Website Administrator post a signup sheet and Entry Information Sheet on the website one month in advance of each tournament.   Use the previous year’s Entry Information Sheet and change the dates. It will contain the entry qualifications, entry deadline, game format, awards, rules, and other pertinent information


Have copies of the Notice to Competitors and Conditions of the Competition and Crow Canyon Local Rules available to handout on tournament days.  Use the previous year’s notice and change the dates.


Email the Pro Shop the list of players with their starting times or hole assignments on the Sunday before each tournament


Email tee times or starting holes to tournament participants and “Follow the Field” players. 


Award prizes and submit any receipts to Treasurer for reimbursement


Have plaque nameplates engraved and book all information for history.


Update the CCWGA Past Champions list and send to Website Administrator to post on website.


CCWGA Open Day Chair


Job Description



A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for managing the Open Day event when hosted by Crow Canyon Country Club and informing the CCWGA membership of the website link in so they can access all the Northern California Open Day information.  Open Days give our members the ability to play other golf clubs in Northern California without paying green fees and only paying for cart fees, breakfast and lunch.

Duties & Responsibilities

Inform the CCWGA membership of the link on our CCWGA website that lists the Open Days in the Northern California area that has been set up by the NCGA.  The dates and procedures for signing up are on that link.  The direct link is – Play – Women’s Golf – Legacy Tournaments.


At the end of the year, usually in November, provide the Legacy WGANC Coordinator with three dates that Crow Canyon could host an Open Day in the following year.  The Captain and Co-Captain along with the Pro Shop have the majority of the next year’s Calendar worked out so the Open Day Chair will have a selection of dates available for Crow Canyon to host an Open Day on a Tuesday.


Hosting an Open Day

The Open Day Chair will oversee the procedures for hosting an open day when it is Crow Canyon’s turn to host. 


Responsibilities of the NCGA, through a Legacy WGANC Coordinator:

·        Entry signups, payment, cancellations, etc. on their website. 

·        Provide us with the count 10 days prior to the event.

·        Provide us with the list of entries, cart signs, alpha lists, and all documents one week prior to the event.

·        Provide the entrants with the code for the Blue golf app used for scoring 2-3 days prior to the event – no paper scorecards.

·        Provide a Legacy WGANC Coordinator to liaison with us and attend the event.

·        The Coordinator will arrive early that morning to set up small tee prizes, which consist of hat, clips, ball covers, etc. and registration materials.


Responsibilities of the Open Day Chair:

·        Provide the NCGA Legacy WGANC Coordinator with the following information:

·        Availability dates, cart fee, and the minimum and maximum number of entrants – to be coordinated with the Pro Shop.

·        Food cost (breakfast & lunch and the minimum number of entrants – The Open Day Chair will choose from selection of menus pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year. 

·        Appoint 2-3 volunteers to help with check-in and spotters for the event.  They should arrive at the club at least 1/2 hour prior to check-in time. Have a check-in table available.

·        Crow Canyon Local Rules should be made available to all players.

·        The Open Day Chair and one assistant will marshal the play during the Open Day.

·        Provide a lectern and microphone at the lunch to announce the winners. 

·        After the open day  concludes, submit an invoice to the Coordinator for review and approval. She will then review and submit that invoice to NCGA.  They will issue a check to the club directly for the food and carts.


CCWGA Invitational Chair 

Job Description



A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for organizing the Invitational Tournament. 


Duties and Responsibilities:

Planning, organizing, and managing the Invitational Tournament.  Attend monthly Board meetings to inform the CCWGA Board of any issues associated with Invitational.  The theme, games and budget must be presented to the Board at least 2 months in advance of the event for approval.

Form a committee, develop a theme, and have each person responsible for:

1.      Budget. To incorporate the cost of the carts, food, decorations, tee prizes, and award prizes. 

2.      Computer Graphics. To create a “logo” for program, bag tags, registration form, etc. Prepare Registration Form with dates, format, cost, signup deadline, members’ GHINs, guests’ clubs and GHINs.  Send to Website Administrator to post form on website. 

3.      Tournament. To work as a liaison with the Pro Shop to establish the game and optional special events (longest drive, putting contest, closest to the hole, mulligans, magic putts, derby and practice round).

4.      Food and beverage. To work with CCCC management to negotiate cost and create an attractive menu, tying in the theme whenever possible.

5.      Prizes. To procure tee prizes, special contest prizes, derby and tournament awards.

6.      Volunteer coordinator. To recruit volunteers to help on-course with special contests as well as with managing the betting and payout of the derby.

7.      Optional specialties include:  soliciting businesses to buy tee signs and soliciting other clubs to donate rounds of golf to use as raffle prizes.

The Chair introduces herself, then introduces the Captain to speak.  The Chair then introduces her committee.  The Chair or the Club Pro will announce and award prizes at the luncheon.


CCWGA Mini-Invitational Chair 

Job Description




A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for organizing the Mini-Invitational tournament. 


Duties and Responsibilities:

Planning, organizing, and managing the Mini-Invitational.  Attend monthly Board meetings to inform the CCWGA Board of any issues associated with Mini-Invitational.  The theme, games and budget must be presented to the board at least 2 months in advance of the event for approval.


Form a committee, develop a theme, and have a person responsible for:

·        Budget. To incorporate the cost of the carts, food, decorations, tee prizes, and award prizes

·        Computer Graphics. To create a “logo” for program, registration form, etc. Prepare Registration Form with dates, format, cost, signup deadline, members’ GHINs, guests’ clubs and GHINs.  Send to Website Administrator to post form on website. 

·        Tournament. To work as a liaison with the Pro Shop to establish the game and optional special events (longest drive, putting contest, closest to the hole, mulligans, magic putts)

·        Food and beverage. Choose from selection of menus pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year. 

·        Cart Fee.  Pre-negotiated by the Event committee at the beginning of the year.

·        Prizes. To procure tee prizes, special contest prizes, and tournament awards

·        Volunteer coordinator. To recruit volunteers to help on-course with special contests

·        Optional specialties include:  raffle prizes

The Chair introduces herself, then introduces the Captain to speak.  The Chair then introduces her committee.  The Chair or the Club Pro will announce and award prizes at the luncheon.

CCWGA Guest Day/Play for Pink Chair


Job Description



A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for organizing, setting up and managing Guest Days and the Play for Pink event in October.


Duties and Responsibilities

Attend monthly Board meetings to inform the CCWGA Board of the upcoming Guest Day or Play for Pink Event.  Attend the General Meetings to inform the membership of the upcoming Event.


Create the Event format: prizes, cost of carts, meals, game, closest to pin, etc. The theme, game and budget must be presented to the Board at least 2 months in advance of the Event for approval.


Create the Event announcement and signup sheet.  Give to Website Administrator to post on website at least one month in advance.  Email CCWGA membership the Event information and send reminders as necessary.


Choose from selection of menus pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year.  Give the appropriate CCCC Food and Beverage manager the count on the Friday before the Event.


These Events are open to members having guests that are 4C Niners and other Crow Canyon Country Club women golf members as long as they have an established handicap.

Work with the Pro Shop:

·        Cart Fee.  Pre-negotiated by the Event committee at the beginning of the year.

·        Provide them with member and guest list and their GHIN numbers from the signup sheet on the Sunday before Guest Day

·        Provide the list of members and/or guests that need a club cart

·        They will do the score cards, alpha lists, hole assignments, and “closest to the pin” measuring tape and log sheets.


The Guest Day/Play for Pink Event Announcement Sheet and Sign-Up Sheet should contain:

·        Date and time

·        Number of Allowable Guests per Member – one to three guests per member

·        Date the Sign-Up Sheet will be removed from the website

·        Game Format and notification if there will be any closest to the pin holes, etc. 

·        The Play for Pink event may be a 9-hole format and include a section for additional charitable donations. Allow participants to sign-up as a foursome.

·        Cost of meals and cart fee with an area indicating if a member has her own cart.

·        Make it clear that anyone canceling after the signup sheet is taken down on the Friday preceding the Event Day, will be charged for the meals



On the Day:

Set up a check-in table on the morning of the Event. Greet members and guests. Obtain the member’s membership number to charge their account.  The Pro Shop will provide the Alpha Sheets, Hole Assignments and Scorecards.


The Chair or the Club Pro will announce and award prizes at the luncheon.


Provide appropriate CCCC manager with a list of charges to be made on member accounts for meals and cart fees. 


CCWGA Website Administrator Chair


Job Description



A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for maintaining and updating the CCWGA website.



Duties and Responsibilities:


Update the website, which includes the CCWGA calendar, Gmail account and documents.


Maintain the CCWGA calendar


Maintain the CCWGA Gmail account including additions and deletion of the contact list.  Send out emails for members as necessary.


Maintain the CCWGA Google account with security and access as necessary


Maintain and organize the CCWGA Google account Drive where club documents are stored


Maintain the CCWGA Roster website with member additions and deletions


Maintain the CCWGAGOLF Time to Signup account including the annual renewal and security updates


Provide TimetoSignup sign-up sheets for all events as necessary including Team Play, Lunches, Tournaments, and other events


Maintain the GoDaddy URL including annual renewal




CCWGA East Bay Team Play Chair


Job Description



A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for putting together a team to represent Crow Canyon in East Bay Team Play on specified dates and hosting the EBTP event when it is played at Crow Canyon.


Duties and Responsibilities:

At the beginning of the year, have the Website Administrator put signup sheets for each EBTP date so members can sign up.


Pick two players for the A Flight, two players for the B Flight, and two players for the C Flight.


Make sure the players have their bag tags (with our club’s name and their flight)


Collect the entry fee from each player.


Prepare the Team sheets


Post the players’ scores after each round as a competition score.  Keep track of any birdies that are played on CCWGA official play days and give that information to the Co-Captain in November for birdie awards.


Host the EBTP event when it is scheduled at Crow Canyon.

·        Choose from selection of menus pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year. 

·        The cart fee pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year. 

·        Obtain Team Sheets from the other clubs and give to the Pro Shop so they can prepare cart signs, hole assignments, etc.

·        Have a check-in table available

·        Recruit volunteers to be spotters and marshals

·        Collect the fees from each Team and pay the Club


Get next year’s calendar from the Captain and Pro Shop in early October.  At the yearend’s Team Play meeting, give the EBTP Tournament Director next year’s blackout dates and the potential EBTP dates that Crow Canyon can host.  The blackout dates are the dates assigned to our CCWGA Invitational, Mini-Invitational, and Major Tournaments.



CCWGA Diablo Valley Team Play Chair


Job Description




A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for putting together a team to represent Crow Canyon in Diablo Valley Team Play on specified dates and hosting the DVTP event when it is played at Crow Canyon.


Duties and Responsibilities:

At the beginning of the year, have the Website Administrator put signup sheets for each DVTP date so members can sign up.


Pick two players for the A Flight, two players for the B Flight, two players for the C Flight, and two players for the D Flight based on the player’s index.  The 8 players with lowest indexes that sign up for that date are the ones selected.


Make sure the players have their bag tags (with our club’s name and their flight)


Collect the entry fee from each player.


Prepare the Team sheets, providing the players handicaps.


Post the players’ scores after each round as a competition score.  Keep track of any birdies that are played on CCWGA official play days and give that information to the Co-Captain in November for birdie awards.


Host the DVTP event when it is scheduled at Crow Canyon.

·        Choose from selection of menus pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year. 

·        The cart fee pre-negotiated by the Event Committee at the beginning of the year. 

·        Obtain Team Sheets from the other clubs and give to the Pro Shop so they can prepare cart signs, hole assignments, etc.

·        Have a check-in table available

·        Recruit volunteers to be spotters and marshals

·        Collect the fees from each Team and pay the Club


Get next year’s calendar from the Captain and Pro Shop in early October.  At the yearend’s Team Play meeting, give the DVTP Tournament Director next year’s blackout dates and the potential DVTP dates that Crow Canyon can host.  The blackout dates are ones pre-assigned to our CCWGA Invitational, Mini-Invitational, and Major Tournaments.


CCWGA Historian


Job Description




A non-voting CCWGA Board member responsible for taking photos at events and memorializing them on the website and for the outgoing Captain’s photo book as well as and posting Board members’ photos and new members’ photos on the CCWGA bulletin board



Duties and Responsibilities:

The Historian is responsible for taking photos at events as described below and forwarding them to the Website Chair for posting on the CCWGA website:


·        General meeting award presentations for Major Tournament winners.

·        Invitational and Mini-Invitational winners and other members during the tournaments‘ festivities.

·        Special functions like the Holiday Luncheon, Play for Pink, and any other events during the year.

·        The Historian is responsible for creating the Captain’s photo book as a keepsake for the outgoing Captain, however, this is at the Captain’s discretion and she may decline a photo book.

·        Posting Board members’ photos and new members’ photos on the CCWGA bulletin board


 Board Job Descriptions (PDF)