CCWGA Women’s Guest Day
April 16th
“Spring Has Sprung So Let’s Have Some Fun”
Format: Two best net balls of the foursome (one guest ball and one member ball) . 8:30 shotgun—check in and breakfast at 7:30.
Sign Up: Each member can bring 1 to 3 guests. All players must have a GHIN number and will play to a maximum handicap of 40. Everyone will play from the red tees.
Procedure: Registration forms will be on the CCWGA website. There will also be printed registration forms in the ladies locker room. Please complete ALL information on the form and mail or email to Diane Beere (her address is on the entry form) by April 1st.
Cost: $47.00 for breakfast and awards lunch plus a $22.00 cart fee.
Carts are mandatory.
Diamond members will not pay for carts, but their guests will.
Members who pay trail fees and their guests will not pay for carts.
Members who don’t pay trail fees will pay cart fees and so will their guests.
All charges for members and their guests will be charged to the member’s account.
Guest Day Chairpersons: Diane Beere and Denise Reed