The name of the organization shall be the Crow Canyon Women’s Golf Association and shall  hereafter be referred to as the CCWGA. 


The purpose of the organization is to promote good fellowship among its members, offer regularly  scheduled play days and tournaments, communicate golf rules and proper golf etiquette, and  maintain and foster the best interest of the game of golf. 


Section 1: Membership is open to women who: 

a) Are golf members of Crow Canyon Country Club. 

b) Have a current USGA handicap that computes to a maximum of 36 from the red tee markers. c) Pay dues within the prescribed period. 

Section 2: Any woman wishing to join the CCWGA before July 1st shall pay full annual dues. Any  woman joining between July 1st and December 31st shall pay one-half the annual dues. No  portion of the dues will be refunded upon a member’s resignation if it occurs after February 1st.  The portion of the dues paid to NCGA will not be refunded once CCWGA is billed and becomes  obligated to pay them. 

Section 3: CCWGA annual dues will be determined by the Executive Board. Dues are payable  October 1st for the following year and are delinquent with a penalty after November 1st. 

Section 4: Dues shall be used to defray expenses and purchase prizes when deemed prudent.  Some events may require an individual entry fee. 


Section 1: The Executive Board shall manage activities and property of the CCWGA. The Executive  Board shall consist of nine (9) elected officers: Captain, Co-Captain, Secretary, Treasurer,  Handicap, Tournament, Rules, Social and Membership. A past Captain selected by the incoming  Captain shall serve as the Advisor and shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Board. 

Section 2: The chairpersons of standing committees are appointed by the Captain and shall report  to the Executive Board. 

Section 3: The duties of the officers are: 

Captain: Shall preside at all meetings, appoint Chairpersons of committees and special events as  deemed necessary to conduct the affairs of this organization, be an ex-officio member of all  committees except the Nominating Committee, and shall see that the Bylaws and such other rules  and regulations adopted by the membership are enforced. 

Co-Captain: Shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Captain and assist the Captain in  preparing the following year’s calendar. 

Secretary: Shall record the minutes of the meetings, which are then submitted within one week to  the Board for review and approval. Pertinent information shall be stored and published online. Treasurer: Shall receive dues and deposit same in a bank selected by the Executive Board, such  monies to be drawn only by check signed by Treasurer and/or the Captain; present a budget for  the year, keep records of all financial transactions, submit a report at regular meetings, post an  annual report, pay bills as outlined by the budget and those approved by the Executive Board or by  a vote at meetings. A committee consisting of the outgoing Captain and Treasurer and incoming  Captain and Treasurer shall audit the Treasurer’s financial records at the end of the calendar year. Handicap Chairperson: Shall be responsible for insuring the accuracy of the members’ handicaps  and listing all members with NCGA to enable members to receive handicaps from the GHIN  system. 

Tournament Chairperson: Shall be responsible for scheduling and conducting all tournaments  under the rules and regulations set up by the membership, with the exception of the major  tournaments. 

Rules Chairperson: Shall be able to interpret the Rules of Golf as set forth in the USGA Rules of  Golf. 

Social Chairperson: Shall take care of banquet planning, hospitality duties, and social  correspondence. 

Membership Chairperson: Shall provide notice of dues and collection of monies and provide such  annual information to the Treasurer and Co-Captain. 


Section 1: The Executive Board shall meet monthly or as deemed necessary by the Captain on a  date selected by her. 

Section 2: Five (5) members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of  business. 

Section 3: General membership meetings shall be scheduled three times each year. 

Section 4: The Executive Board may call a special meeting or change the General Meeting date by  written notice to the membership. 

Section 5: Quorum for a General Meeting: Business may be transacted if twenty (20) percent of  the membership is present. A majority vote of the members present is needed for the passage of  business. 

Section 6: Online voting may be implemented in the event of crucial, time sensitive issues.  Detailed information will be published on the website for membership review of the item in  question. 


Section 1: The Nominating Committee consisting of four (4) members shall be selected in August  at the General Meeting. The Advisor shall serve as the Chairperson of the committee, and three (3)  members will be elected by the CCWGA members.


Section 2: The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for all offices and present  it to the membership, posting same one (1) month prior to the election of officers. Nominations  will be accepted from the floor, but must have the consent of the individual being nominated. 

Section 3: The election of officers shall be conducted in October, and they shall take office on the  following January 1st. 

Section 4: All officers and chairpersons are elected or appointed to serve a one (1) year term. 

Section 5: If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Board, a member shall be appointed to the position  by the Captain and approved by the Executive Board. 


These Bylaws may be amended or new Bylaws adopted at any regular meeting provided such  contemplated changes have been posted and distributed to all members at least two (2) weeks  before the General Meeting. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the membership present shall be  required to adopt changes.  


“Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised” shall be the authority for all parliamentary procedure not  covered by these Bylaws. The Captain may appoint a Parliamentarian to serve for a term and abide  by the rules. 


The Bylaws for the Crow Canyon Women’s Golf Association shall not supersede any Crow Canyon  Country Club Membership Bylaws, Rules or Regulations. 

Adopted: October 1978 

Revised: December 1980 

April 1981 

November 1983 

October 1988 

June 1989 

August 1994 

June 1996 

December 2000 

October 2002 

October 2003 

May 2008 

October 2015 

August 2016 

April 2019 

April 2020 

February 2023